Teaching and Education

One of the primary services that NOCI delivers, is teaching and education specific for clinicians in the realm of neurological rehabilitation and the use of outcome measures for neurological populations.


Neurological Rehabilitation: We design and develop standardized rehabilitation protocols that are intended to be implemented in intensification rehab studies. In addition to this, we develop the associated reference and teaching modules for clinicians and study staff, for the assurance of standard protocol implementation across sites and clinicians.

Outcome Measures: With a special interest and experience in the development and use of outcome measures, we optimize any clinical study or trial with the implementation of the most appropriate outcome measures and the associated teaching modules.

  • Development of new outcomes assessments
  • Refinement or modification of existing outcomes assessment
  • Clinician reported outcomes development and implementation for late-stage clinical trials


Teaching and Education: NOCI is known for its clinical teaching skill and capacity building. All of our consultants are healthcare professionals who are educators in clinical rehabilitation programs at the University of Toronto. We design and develop teaching modules for clinicians and study staff, providing training on the use and implementation of new outcomes, gold-standard outcomes, treatment techniques, and interventions to all members involved in trials. We provide education for both industry-sponsored and academic studies and deliver the education in a variety of methods. All education provided by our consultants is consistent by ensuring the teaching materials and methods of training provided are standard across trainers.

We develop customized teaching materials and programs as well as offer standard products. Standard educational products are predominantly developed for education within the realm of clinical use. Customized teaching products and programs incorporate standard educational modules and are also tailored mainly for multi-center studies.

In-Person Education:

We provide in-person onsite or centralized teaching, with a ratio of one trainer for 6-8 trainees. The in-person teaching process includes:

  • Provision of pre-training education through written reference materials or e-Learning modules
  • A trainer present at the location and patient actors and volunteers also present
  • Onsite didactic and demonstration coupled with practical education
  • Resulting In:
    • Standardization among all assessors and their skillset, regardless of specialty or department
    • Verification that study assessors across sites have received accurate and organized education
    • Post-training follow-up support following training


Virtual Live Education:

We deliver live in-person WebEx teaching, with a ratio of one trainer for every 6-12 trainees (or unlimited trainees if no inter-actions from trainees). The live WebEx teaching process includes:

  • Provision of pre-training education through written reference materials or e-Learning modules.
  • A live trainer to provide virtual didactic teaching with a live demonstration or video examples.
  • No practical education, an option for trainees to provide a demonstration of their skills for constructive feedback (6-12 trainees)
  • Resulting In:
    • Standardization of education delivered among all assessors
    • Confidence that study assessors across sites have received accurate, organized, and standard education
    • Post-training follow-up following training


Independent Education (e-Learning modules):

e-Learning otherwise known as self-study is a new product that NOCI has recently launched to augment our existing teaching experience. Our e-Learning modules are typically used in conjunction with in-person or live WebEx training, usually as the pre-requisite for interactive training. If the e-Learning is followed by our standard inter-active training, it prepares the learner and solidifies the concepts so that the inter-active training experience can cater to the learning needs of each individual.

Our e-Learning modules have also expanded our ability to provide individuals with some standard education when they are unable to access our inter-active teaching. Neural Outcomes e-Learning modules are available to the public through an e-commerce portal on the Neural Outcomes website. Neural Outcomes e-learning modules are also made available to industry and academic groups through our learning packages tailored for multi-site studies and clinical trials.

Industry and Academic studies engaging multiple centers (more than 3) are required to work with NOCI to arrange an industry or academic package for all forms of training.

Products available from NOCI:

GRASSP Version 1
GRASSP Version 2
GRASSP Version Myelopathy
Toronto Rehab Institute-Hand Function Test
Grasp and Release Test

Teaching Modules available from NOCI:

GRASSP Version 1
GRASSP Version 2
GRASSP Version Myelopathy
TRI-Hand Function Test
Modified Ashworth
Expanded Disability Status Scale
SCIM III and SCIM IV Education

All industry-sponsored studies will require a training agreement with Neural Outcomes to ensure standardization across study sites and assessors.

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timryan@neuraloutcomes.com or skr@neuraloutcomes.com.